Get started in just a few clicks.

It’s easy and free. Two things everyone loves.

Install the Twentig plugin.

  1. Inside your WordPress dashboard, click Plugins > Add New.
  2. Click Upload Plugin and upload the Twentig .zip file.
  3. Click Install Now.
  4. Once the installation is complete, click Activate Plugin. You’ll be redirected to the Twentig dashboard.
Twentig WordPress Dashboard with customization links and helpful resources.


Activate the Twenty Twenty-Four theme.

To take full advantage of Twentig, we recommend you use Twenty Twenty-Four, the WordPress default theme.

If it’s not already your active theme:

  1. Click Appearance > Themes.
  2. Look for Twenty Twenty-Four and click Activate.
  3. Click Twentig to head back to the Twentig dashboard. There, you can import a pre-made website template.
Twentig Dashboard showing the website template importer interface for the Twenty Twenty-Four theme.